Back to Routine - My top 8 Business Tips 

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Are you thinking about how to ease back into your usual routine this week?
Maybe you’re wondering where to even start with your to-do list.
Or perhaps you’ve had a laid-back summer, and the idea of that early morning alarm call gives you the jitters.
If any of these sound like you, here are my top tips to help you get started.

1. Plan like a Pro!  Get a Planner
Whether you are all digital or love the feel of paper, find a planner that works for you. Once you have chosen your planner…..
2. Build Your Base
Add all your essential commitments, i.e.: school runs, Dr appointments, dog walks etc. These will give you a solid framework to build upon. Don’t forget to carve out moments for yourself. Self-care is important and shouldn’t be an afterthought. Whether it be a short walk, exercise class or just a coffee break, self-care contributes to well being and increased productivity.
3. Harness the power of colour coding
Colour Coding helps to distinguish between personal and work-related tasks and also helps to assign tasks based on priority, ensuring that you tackle the most urgent matters first.
4. Put Pen to Paper
Create a List!Who doesn’t love a list!   Utilise your planner to compile daily or weekly task lists. This strategy declutters your mind, ensures task completion and offers a real satisfaction of checking off completed items.
5. Set deadlines
Create a habit of setting consistent deadlines. For example, if you’re expected to finish a project in 2 weeks, immediately establish another deadline for the next task. This approach helps to avoid procrastination.
6. Divide & conquer! Break Down Tasks.
Sometimes a monumental task can be daunting and overwhelming. Breaking the task down into manageable subtasks can encourage steady progress.
7. Order in your Environment
A clean and tidy workspace enhances focus and efficiency. A well organised environment saves time and mitigates stress.  The presence of plants has been scientifically linked to also increase productivity.
8. Don’t be afraid to say No!
One thing we are all guilty of is over committing ourselves. This is precisely why proactive planning proves invaluable – it provides a panoramic view of your schedule. Saying “no” becomes more straightforward when existing commitments are visible.  
Hopefully you will find these tips helpful as you begin to get back into a routine.  However, if after reading this, it all still sounds too daunting and you would like some help, then please do not hesitate to get in touch. I would be very happy to chat through how i can help you achieve a better routine and a better work/life balance.